There are no upcoming webinars at this time. View recorded webinars below.
View Previous Webinars:
Webinar: Navigating College Transitions and Financial Aid: Supporting Students with Disabilities and their Families.
Learn about the types of opportunities that exist for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities to attend college and the types of supports available in these programs. Panelists include Dr. Maggie Butler of Disability Support Services at George Washington University; Dr. Brian Freedman of University of Delaware’s LEND Program; Jada Scott, a parent and advocate; and Amy D’Agati of TerpsEXCEED at University of Maryland. Click here to view.
Webinar: The NUTS & BOLTS of Inclusive Higher Education Programs
Learn about the nitty gritty programming components for inclusive college initiatives from three successful and long-running programs at University of Delaware, Western Carolina University, and Millersville University. This panel will describe how their individual programs have managed employment, housing, access to courses and activities, funding and peer mentoring. Learn what it takes to build and maintain a successful program on a college campus. Click here to view.
Webinar: Supported Decision-Making for People with Disabilities
Supported Decision Making (SDM) is an alternative to guardianship. In this workshop, parents/caregivers will learn what SDM is, why SDM is important, how SDM works in practice. Additionally, parents/caregivers will learn some practice tips they can use to support their youth and young adults in making decisions. Click here to view.
Webinar: Transition Skills and Post-Secondary School Options for Individuals with I/DD
Going to college is not for everyone but there are many young adults with intellectual and developmental disability who DO want to go to college. As parents and schools, what can you do to prepare students for a postsecondary experience on a college campus? This webinar video reviews activities from elementary, middle, and high school that can help students prepare and think through all their options. Click here to view.
Webinar: A National Overview of Inclusive Higher Ed for Students with ID
College options for students with ID continue to grow throughout the US. This webinar orients participants to the laws and policies supporting the development of these options, what the data say about student experiences and outcomes. The Maryland for Inclusive Higher Education, through the CTCI partnered with Dr. Meg Grigal, the Principal Investigator of the Think College National Coordinating Center at UMASS Boston, to share resources and opportunities for continued connection for those interested in learning more. Clink here to view.
Webinar: Paying for College: Maryland ABLE Account
Kelly Nelson, Maryland ABLE Outreach and Communications Manager, partnered with the Maryland HUB for Inclusive Higher Education and CTCI to conduct a webinar on the use of Maryland ABLE accounts. Ms. Nelson shares information about how a Maryland ABLE account can be a useful tool for helping people with intellectual disabilities finance their college experience. The webinar teaches students how an ABLE account can support their independence. Parents and family members learn how their contributions to the Maryland ABLE account may qualify them for an income deduction on their Maryland State taxes, their ability to rollover funds from a Maryland 529 account, and how they can continue to contribute to the ABLE account beyond college. Professionals learn about the resources and how to potentially support students interested in college. Click here to view.
Hundreds of colleges across the U.S. are opening doors to higher education for students with intellectual disability. Dan Habib's new 36-minute film “Opening Doors to College” shows how students like Fudia, Missy, Curtis, and Janet are leading this inclusion revolution as they immerse themselves in classes, residential life, extracurricular activities, and the entire college experience at Millersville and Temple Universities. Click here to view.